Friday, April 8, 2016

Creativity flows....................

WOW!  I love when the creativity flows!  I spent the morning writing a first draft of a story that
started with a prompt. The prompt I chose was: " How many objects are colored red in nature.  Boyd searches and searches and finds an amazing variety." 

The prompt came from a book I recently got on loan from the Amazon Prime library: Writing Children's Books: 1001 Creative Prompts for Stories Kids Will Love by Anthony D. Fredericks.  Fredericks is a well known author of science and nature based children's books.  He has also authored books for teachers and parents.

I  found that having a prompt to start from was a fun way to get my "story wheels" and fingers moving!

Have you used story prompts?
How did it work for you?
How did you come up with the prompt?

Please leave a comment to let me know you stopped  by. 



Thursday, April 7, 2016

I am a writer.........I am a writer..........I am a writer......

I have this nagging belief that I can only refer to myself as a writer if I have been published.  "Not so" says those who are published writers. If I write, I am a writer.  So, "I am a writer.......I am a writer........I am a writer!" is my new mantra.

I started this blog to keep a journal of my everyday struggle with putting words on paper.  Some days it's easy and other days not so much.  Some days the inspiration flows freely, other days not so much. 

I also hope this will be a place where you will share your journey as a writer, struggles and successes, as you travel the road of a writer.  Sharing the journey with other's provides new knowledge; insights into how we deal with the days of "not so much" and the knowledge that we are not alone in this adventure.

Now off to write..............

Have a wonderful, productive day ............ You are a writer!